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Indulás: 2007-04-05

Elfelejtettem a jelszót

My will

Quietly awakening…

I always, alway wish

That these fleeting thoughts

Would reach you


Unable to move forward across ’just a little more’ distance

The way I see before me is alway blocked

Every time the days I want to see you but can’t pile up

My strong heartbeat turns to heartbreak


If there is such ting as ’eternity’,

I want to believe, even if I have to take the long way.

Altough I know the I’ve been hurt before becouse I’m dumsy

I won’t stop; I wont give up to anyone.


I think of you

And that alone is enough

To make the tears start to flow now

I alway, always wish

That these fleeting thoughts

Would reach you


I know all too well about pretending to be strong

But since then, my doubts have vanished.


There’s definitely things I want to show you

And so many wrds i want to hear

I want to see all sides of you, when you laugh and cry

So i’ll stop waiting

And seize my ’chance’.


I think of you

And I feel like that alone is enough

To make my heart grow stronger.

I always, always wish

That these fleeting thoughts

Would reach you…


I think of you

And that alone is enough

To make the tears start to flow now

My distant voice can’t reach you now, but someday it definitely will…

Believe. la la la la la la

Believe. la la la la la la

Believe. la la la la la la


Fukai Mori

There must still be the soul that you have left behind, hidden somewhere
In the deep deep of the forest lying among the trees
People who are too tired they just don't look around, any farther
They disappear into the eternal darkness of a foreign place

Could we still have seen if we were there?
Could we have seen it if it were little?

Go on with our lives and lose those things behind.
Wrapped around in lies, we stand there voiceless.
We want to leave our lives, until we find a way.
Searching for the light for eternity.

Things are passing and changing and moving around,
But the colors of the sky,
Still remain the same, as we used to know,
Every single day.

We are running so free now, ignoring the risk
The limits that we had.
Leave our fears behind, take another chance.
Our souls will live again.

If we could catch the rhythm of time,
We could probably fly so high.

Could we still have seen if we were there?
Could we have seen it if it were little?

Go on with our lives, and lose those things behind.
Wrapped around in lies, we stand there voiceless.
We want to leave our lives, until we find a way.
Searching for the light for eternity

Go on with our lives, and lose those things behind.
Wrapped around in lies, we stand there voiceless.
We want to leave our lives, until we find a way.
Searching for the light for eternity



It would be nice if we could put away and throw out

Everything expect what really mattered but

Reality is just cruel.


In such times,

I see you laughing

Whenever I close my eyes.


Until the day I reach eternal sleep,

That smiling face will

Have to stay with me without fail.


People are all sad, so

They go and forget, but…


For that which I should love,

For that which gives me love, I will do what I can.


Back then, when we met,

It was all awkward,

We went long way, didn’t we?

We got hurt, didn’t we?


Until the day I reach eternal sleep,

That smiling face will

Have to stay with me without fail.


Back then, when we met,

It was all awkward,

We went long way, didn’t we?

We got there int he end.


By: Hiromi-chan


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